Trump In Saudi Arabia

There was a time when those who identified as Liberals and Democrats would chew you up and spit you out if you objected to Obama’s actions while in office. If you objected to his obvious affinity for Islam versus a love of America, citing his own words that he would side with Muslims over Americans, you would be verbally bashed in the head as a drooling, Fox News worshiping moron.

Thankfully, those days are gone. Um, kind of.

Now is the time when those who identify as Conservatives and Republicans will chew you up and spit you out if you object to Trump’s actions while in office. If you object to anything he does, then you must be a liberal, feminist, Hillary-loving, CNN worshiping, American hating moron.

I was reading my post about The Presidential Inauguration and remembered that I knew this was going to happen. I had hoped for the best, thinking that now would be the time people would focus more on principles, individual rights, and the fiscal policies that would be needed to make our country strong. But, instead, my fears that the worshiping of a President’s personality would be center stage are being realized.

In spite of what some may think, I’m perfectly capable of being happy about policies implemented and speeches made by a man I do not like. Just as I was unhappy with policies and speeches made by a man I did like. Because my love for freedom and rights isn’t predicated on my personal feelings about the person in the White House.

Trump shouldn’t have gone to Saudi Arabia, nor given a speech which downplayed their role in the attacks on our country on September 11, 2001.  He signed a multibillion dollar arms deal with a country that uses Sharia Law and doesn’t recognize rights of women or gays or…well, pretty much everyone but some men. In his speech there today, he called Saudi Arabia “home to the holiest sites in one of the world’s great faiths.” Sickening. Do you think he’s the first President I’ve detested for failing to recognize the threats to our country? Please! Go all the way back to Carter (just trying to stay in my lifetime here) and his horrible response to the hostage crisis. And, yes, I was cussing out my television when George W. Bush created another Cabinet to ‘combat terrorism.’  Those two, and every one in between, have been weak on this country’s safety while spending billions and stripping away American’s rights, never facing the real problem head on.

Let’s defend sound policy and real Constitutional law. Let’s defend rights and freedom. But, do not ever expect me to defend the indefensible simply because your guy is in office and might have been better than the alternative, or because he’s black or white or green or female or whatever! Principles, not personalities.

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I am a hard working American Woman. An Army veteran. A Mom. My Mom role has had many adjectives, including: single, married, divorced, working, stay-at-home, step-, homeschooling, and tired. I've worked as a dental assistant, nurse, mechanic on landing craft (boats), videographer, photographer, waitress, paper girl, pizza delivery, home re-modeler, Jill-of-many-trades.

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